Common Epoxy Flooring Problems

7 Common Epoxy Flooring Problems and How to Avoid Them

Epoxy flooring is known for its durability, smooth finish, and ability to withstand heavy traffic, making it a popular choice for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. However, like any type of flooring, epoxy has its challenges. If you’re considering installing or maintaining an epoxy floor, it’s important to be aware of the common epoxy flooring problems that may arise and how to address them.

In this blog, we’ll cover the 7 most common epoxy flooring problems, explain why they occur, and offer expert solutions to prevent or fix them. Plus, we’ll show why hiring Fraser Plus Epoxy can help you avoid these problems and ensure long-lasting results.

Epoxy Flooring Problems
Epoxy Flooring Problems

Common Epoxy Flooring Problems You Should Know About

Despite the many advantages, epoxy flooring problems usually result from improper installation, environmental factors, or lack of maintenance. Let’s dive into the most common issues you might face.

1. Peeling and Delamination in Epoxy Flooring

Peeling or delamination happens when the epoxy flooring coating loses its bond with the substrate, leading to unsightly patches and a weakened surface.


  • Poor surface preparation, such as inadequate cleaning or etching.
  • Applying epoxy on a wet or oily substrate.
  • Using low-quality epoxy materials.

To prevent peeling, ensure the surface is clean, dry, and properly prepared before applying the epoxy. At Fraser Plus Epoxy, we use professional products and meticulously prepare every surface for long-lasting adhesion and durability.

2. Bubbling and Blistering in Epoxy Flooring

Bubbling or blistering is another common epoxy flooring problem. This occurs when air gets trapped under the epoxy layer, forming raised bubbles or blisters. These imperfections not only affect the look of the floor but can also shorten its lifespan.


  • Applying epoxy in a humid environment or over a damp surface.
  • Improper mixing or application, causing air entrapment.
  • Applying epoxy too thickly.

At Fraser Plus Epoxy, we control humidity during the installation process and ensure the surface is dry. Our team applies thin, even layers of epoxy with adequate curing time to prevent bubbling and blistering.

3. Discoloration and Yellowing in Epoxy Flooring

Over time, epoxy flooring exposed to UV light or harsh chemicals may discolor or turn yellow, which can take away from its sleek appearance.


  • UV exposure, especially in areas with direct sunlight.
  • Chemical spills or exposure.
  • Using non-UV-resistant or low-quality epoxy products.

We use UV-resistant epoxy materials at Fraser Plus Epoxy to ensure your flooring maintains its color and gloss. We also apply topcoat solutions to add an extra layer of UV protection, ensuring long-lasting vibrancy.

4. Cracking in Epoxy Flooring

Cracks can develop in epoxy flooring, particularly when installed over a concrete substrate prone to movement or heavy loads.


  • Movement or settling of the concrete substrate.
  • Excessive pressure or heavy impacts.
  • Temperature fluctuations or improper installation.

To prevent cracking, Fraser Plus Epoxy uses flexible epoxy products, especially in areas with high traffic or heavy loads. We also ensure that the substrate is thoroughly prepared and fully cured before applying the epoxy.

5. Fish Eyes or Pinholes in Epoxy Flooring

Fish eyes or pinholes are small indentations or craters that can ruin the smooth finish of an epoxy floor, making it look unprofessional.


  • Contaminants like oil or grease on the surface.
  • Dust or debris settling during installation.
  • Improper mixing of epoxy components.

At Fraser Plus Epoxy, we go the extra mile to ensure the surface is free from contaminants before application. We create a dust-free environment during installation and meticulously mix the epoxy to avoid imperfections like fish eyes and pinholes.

6. Uneven Finish in Epoxy Flooring

An uneven finish, with areas that are too glossy or too dull, is a common epoxy flooring problem. It detracts from the professional appearance and durability of the floor.


  • Uneven application, where some areas are too thick or too thin.
  • Improper mixing of epoxy components.
  • Using the wrong tools during application.

To achieve a smooth and even finish, Fraser Plus Epoxy ensures that all epoxy components are mixed thoroughly, and we use professional tools to apply the epoxy evenly. Our expertise guarantees a consistent, high-gloss result.

Curing Issues in Epoxy Flooring

Proper curing is essential for epoxy flooring, and any disruption during this process can result in soft spots or uneven hardening.


  • Applying epoxy in unsuitable temperatures.
  • Walking on the floor before it has fully cured.
  • Incorrect mixing ratios of resin and hardener.

At Fraser Plus Epoxy, we follow strict curing protocols, monitoring environmental factors and allowing ample curing time. We ensure the proper resin-to-hardener ratios are used, preventing premature traffic and ensuring a durable, properly hardened floor.

Why Choose Fraser Plus Epoxy to Solve Epoxy Flooring Problems?

With so many potential epoxy flooring problems, it’s critical to work with professionals who have the experience, tools, and knowledge to do the job right. Fraser Plus Epoxy offers:

  1. Professional Installation: We follow a detailed process for surface preparation, mixing, and application to ensure a flawless finish every time.
  2. High-Quality Materials: We use only top-grade, UV-resistant, and durable epoxy products that prevent common issues like discoloration, peeling, or cracking.
  3. Customized Solutions: Our team assesses your flooring needs and provides customized solutions that will last.
  4. Attention to Detail: We ensure the substrate is dry, contaminant-free, and apply the epoxy in even layers, ensuring a beautiful, long-lasting result.
  5. Long-Lasting Results: Our solutions are built to withstand the wear and tear of daily use, from high-traffic areas to spaces exposed to sunlight or chemicals.

When you choose Fraser Plus Epoxy, you get a beautiful, durable epoxy floor and peace of mind knowing that the job was done right. We back our work with a guarantee, ensuring your floor looks great for years to come.

Epoxy flooring offers many benefits, but it’s important to be aware of the common epoxy flooring problems that can occur if the process is not done correctly. From peeling and bubbling to discoloration and cracking, knowing these issues can help you make informed decisions.

By hiring Fraser Plus Epoxy, you can avoid these problems and enjoy a durable, long-lasting, and attractive floor. Contact us today to get started on your epoxy flooring project and see the difference quality craftsmanship makes!

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